Here's to getting sick! Clearly, some of the Aura Team, including myself, have not been taking our supplements. But then again, this time of year, it is not easy to avoid the spread of cold and flu, no matter how hard you try (looking at you, Josh!). My manager, who is trying to avoid me like the plague.
This is why I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to talk about the cold & flu season and the best formulas to aid cold and flu symptoms so that you don't have to suffer in silence. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers potential winter wisdom of herbal wonders that has been used for centuries to help combat sniffles and shivers.
Winter Wonders for Coughs and Colds
Here are a few TCM herbal formulas that can be your allies in the battle against cold and flu viruses.
1. Gui Zhi Tang (Cinnamon Twig & White Peony)

Gui Zhi Tang offers a powerful remedy during the early stages of colds and flu by promoting Qi and blood circulation, which may help to alleviate symptoms like chills, fever, and body aches. Cinnamon twig may aid in warming the body and reducing stiffness, while white peony root nourishes and tonifies the blood, potentially addressing fatigue and weakness. This formula may be effective in preventing the escalation of cold and flu symptoms.
2. Bi Yan Pian (Xanthium & Magnolia)

Comprising key ingredients such as xanthium fruit and magnolia flower, the Bi Yan Pian formula aims to dispel wind-heat pathogens and clear nasal passages. Xanthium is known for its potential ability to alleviate sinus congestion, while magnolia may contribute to relieving nasal obstruction. Together, these herbs aim to work cohesively to address symptoms like nasal congestion, sneezing, and sinus headaches, making Bi Yan Pian a valuable choice for individuals experiencing respiratory discomfort during the cold and flu season.
3. Fang Feng Tong Sheng San (Liquorice & Skullcap Root)

So go forth, stay warm, keep healthy, and I will heed my own advice. TCM herbal formulas offer a holistic approach to supporting the body during the cold and flu season. While these supplements have been used for centuries, it's essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional, preferably one well-versed in Traditional Chinese Medicine, before incorporating them into your regimen. Embrace the wisdom of herbal remedies during this challenging season!