Bipolar disorder draws resemblance to that of Jekyll and Hyde, with some individuals finding it challenging to choose which side of themselves is best. There are an estimated 1.3 million people in the UK who suffer from this condition, with this often being misunderstood by others.
Complications linked to bipolar include social isolation, extreme mood changes, mental health complications and depression. These symptoms can negatively affect emotions, thoughts and behaviours.
So, to potentially assist this condition, we've compiled a selection of herbal remedies which may aid the symptoms associated with bipolar...
Ban Xia Hou Pu Tang 半夏厚朴汤 (Pinellia & Magnolia Bark)
Chai Hu Shu Gan San 柴胡疏肝丸 (Thorowax Root & Orange Peel)
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang 龙胆泻肝汤 (Cape Jasmine Fruit & Skullcap Root)
Te Xiao An Mian Pian 特效安眠片 (Silktree Bark & Red Sage)
We hope our herbal recommendations can potentially assist your imbalance and help to re-connect you with a natural solution to advance your health and well being.
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