The liver (gan) is known as the 'general' of the zang organs, which helps to work with the heart to control blood supply.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, this is a very popular meridian to favour a smooth flow of qi, with an aversion to stagnancy.
So, here's how the liver can help re-connect your yin and yang.
What is the Liver Meridian?

In the eyes of TCM, the ancient Chinese believed that the blood travelled through the vessels when the body was active but was stored in the liver when resting.
The liver has a smooth flow of qi, which helps to avoid irregularities that may cause dysfunction such as indigestion or jaundice.
It is believed that the spirit resides in the heart during the day and the liver at night when we sleep, with its state being assessed by dreams. This is why the liver is known to'store the soul'.
What are the Functions of the Liver?

Within the liver, the vital essence can produce many potential health-boosting functions, such as.
- Store blood
- Regulate the flow of qi
- Store the soul
- Control the tendons
- Can be seen in the nails and is linked to the eyes
Without this vital essence, the effects may turn to moodiness, anger and depression.
What are the Solutions?

Utilising Chinese herbal supplements is a fantastic and sustainable way to potentially boost your liver health through the meridians.
Check out the top 10 remedies for liver here:
- Ban Xia Hou Pu Tang 半夏厚朴汤 (Pinellia & Magnolia Bark)
- Chai Hu Shu Gan San 柴胡疏肝丸 (Thorowax Root & Orange Peel)
- Dang Gui Shao Yao San 当归芍药散 (White Peony & China Root)
- Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang 独活寄生丸 (Hairy Root & Panax Ginseng)
- Geng Nian An 更年安 (Rehmannia & Chinese Foxglove Root)
- Jia Wei Xiao Yao San 加味逍遥散 (Angelica Sinesis & White Atractylodis)
- Jie Yu An Shen Pian 解郁安神丸 (Eucommia Bark & Liquorice Root)
- Long Dan Xie Gan Tang 龙胆泻肝汤 (Cape Jasmine Fruit & Skullcap Root)
- Si Ni San 四逆散 (Liquorice Root & Immature Bitter Orange)
- Te Xiao An Mian Pian 特效安眠片 (Silktree Bark & Red Sage)
Our daily recommended dosage of Chinese herbal supplements is 6 tablets*.
The traditional way of taking these is three tablets, twice a day (morning and evening).
Some of the Aura team prefers to take these with breakfast in the morning and just before bed in the evening.
*Exception is Ban Xia Hou Pu Tang, which recommends 4 tablets per day. We always recommend consulting a Chinese medical practitioner prior to starting supplementation, as they will be able to give tailored advice on your personal recommended daily dosage.
How Long Does Each Formula Last For?

Each bottle of Aura contains 60 tablets. Following the recommended daily intake, this will last 10 days when consuming 6 tablets per day* to assist your wellbeing goals.
If you have been advised to take a lower dosage by your Chinese medical practitioner, these formulas may last up to 2 weeks.

Now that you've got an array of herbal supplements to support your heart function, kickstart your journey towards a healthier and happier lifestyle with the help of natural Chinese herbs!
For any further queries regarding the Aura herbal supplement range or any other products, please email, and we'll be happy to help.